April 25, 2013

Brunei Beaches : Pantai Tungku

Brunei Darussalam offers numbers of beautiful beaches, and some of them can be reach not more than an hour drive from the airport. One of them is Tungku Beach or Pantai Tungku.

We went there a couple of times with our friends, had a wonderful picnic while watching the sunset...

Such a great time.

Sabina and Derryl

you can rent this ATV for a ride around the beach
pointy rocks.. 
can you guess what was she poking at?
what's that? it's a flying fox... just a string stretched between two trees...dare to try?? 
family madness
lil girl at the beach

Fun Days with My Kiddo

We both love spending our time together at home..being crafty, smarty, or just being silly...

We made the dress and she loves it so much. I put the video here

her fave colors

Mad about math

cutting and pasting

And a video presentation about her drawing... or when she dance Gangnam Style along with pocoyo...

Everyday is a fun day... Alhamdulillah..

April 24, 2013

Our Apartment in Brunei

Dear families and friends..

This is a quick peek of our apartment.

You can check out the videos at here and here.

Please do enjoy it and have a marvelous night..

view from dining room

messy kitchen :)

our neighbor's cars

our building from the back

our tv (obviously)..hehe

we spent most of our time here

the dining room

Yeap, that's that..nothing's fancy but we like it here..and have managed to call it our home...

Nighty night all.