January 9, 2013

Sabina's first day at school

We had an interview at ISB last week, and yesterday we were told that Sabina got an offer of acceptance. So we went to school to finish the paperwork then bought her uniforms. The uniform is so cute, it's a green and white plaid dress over the knee length. She also got a similar color sunhat and a tiny garment bag.

her school letter of offer

isn't she adorable..
Today was her first day at school, she got up early and extremely thrilled. I packed in her lunch box with potato fritters, cheese blocks, peeled-off orange and a bottled water inside her new tinkerbell bag, the one that she got from her Kinderfield friend, Azka.

sat nicely on our way to school
On our way to school, i did the prep talk so she can manage her self at school and hopefully can ease her separation enxiety, i explained to her that today i'm only going to drop her at school, stay there for a couple of minutes than i will drive her dad to his office. And when she want to pee or poo, she should tell her teachers or teacher's asisstants. She nodded and smiled, telling me that how she's a big girl now and she will not cry when i'm not waiting for her outside the class. As we arrived at school, she was welcomed by the class head teacher, Ms. M, then Ms. E took us on class tour on where and what to do at the class.

Seconds after we say good bye, she jumped right in to the class, find her self a toy to play and never look back at me. Apperently, she was not anxious at all. Alhamdulillah, i'm so proud of her, although i must admit that i am a bit sad :(

with Ms. E and Ms. M

My dearest Sabina, my lil lady, go ahead enjoy and wander your magical year. This is the time when you can play while you learn the basic skills in your social life to solve problems, adapt to new situations, cope and deal with emotions as well setting up your self esteem to be more confidence. XOXO, i love you with all my heart.

this is what your mother did while waiting for you..hehehe

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