June 18, 2013

My Makala Dolphin Ukulele from Uke Republic

Hello fellow..

My Ukulele is finally arrived after almost 2 months waiting for shipment.

I bought it from Uke Republic, and Mike the owner is such a great businessman. He answered all my queries and questions, and on top of that he's willing to replace my almost missing Uke. Luckily my uke was not missing just stranded at the postal office await for my clearence.
The package comes with:
- Makala Dolphin Soprano Ukulele for US$48.00
- Carrying bag
- Aquila Nylgut strings
- A tuner for US$20.90
- A start guide booklet
Mike helped to set up the Aquila strings, tune it and preps it with no additional cost. I added a tuner for easy tuning.

My cute ukulele is a Soprano. I chose the soprano which is the smallest type because I want an instrument that I can easily carry everywhere and can be put inside a bag while I'm on the airplane.

Why Makala Dolphin? Because I'm a beginner and need something that is cheap but not crap. It's a well made for the price, it has a cute dolphin shape bridge, it sounds tender crisp with new Nylgut Aquila strings and everyone who owned this lil fellow loved it..so I'm hooked.

Let's have a look at my uke...

Love it...

Let's get strumming darling..yeaaay..