February 3, 2013

Every Little Thing She Does is Magic

I am one of those mom whose overly proud of their kid.

There, I said it  ; -D.

We've been meaning to buy Sabina's a children bed because she's a big girl now and we want her to sleep on her own bedroom. So, yesterday, we went to Star Home (Growing Star), located at Warisan Mata-Mata Complex, Beribi, one of the shops that sells Ikea products in Brunei. There were several beds that cought our eyes, but Ikea Kritter is the cheapest among them.

 This pic is taken from Ikea Website

Unfortunately, it is still way out of our budget. So we promise her that we will buy it next month. At home, I marked the calendar as reminder to buy the bed on March 2nd. Surprisingly, this morning I've noticed something on the calendar, It was Sabina's first hand writing ever. She wrote the word "bed" along with the line starting from March 2nd, with a tiny square as an ending, she claimed it's a drawing of her soon to be bed.

We are so proud of her, because she's only 3,5 years old and we never teach her how to write before. Alhamdulillah..praise to Allah SWT for giving her to us.

Another accomplishment she did today.. that she is officially can button up her jammies. Yaaay. One proud mama is in the house.

This skill really boost her confidence

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